November 30, 2012






To:                   NW Council Representatives


From:              Women’s Advocacy Committee


Subject:          PRE-SUBMITTED NEW BUSINESS:  Revision of WAC Budget Input



On 10/31/2012, the NW Women’s Advocacy Committee (WAC) provided the committee’s input for the draft NW FY 2013 budget to the NW Council Officers (CO).  


Past history has been to send 3 members to Summer School. When the Washington State Labor Education and Research Center worked out of Evergreen State College worked the Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women, they were able to hold the Summer school locally (Rotating between Washington, Oregon and sometimes Canada). Since all were within driving distance, and the College let them use the school Dorms, they were able to keep the costs within $500/person. They lost their place at the Evergreen State College, so the cost is more. There is one held each year in California, which I used as a guide for potential costs. We try to find local, when we can.


Our choice this last summer was the California program or one in Oregon, which still had a good program. The motion is to increase the budget to allow SPEEA members to attend non-locally, if needed.


Listed below is the itemization for three participants to the annual Summer School:


Item                              Total           Per person               # People

Flight                            $1050               $350                             3

Registration                  $1350               $450                             3

Transportation               $150                 $50                               3

SPEEA time                    120                   40                               3


Grand Total       ===è   $2,550 plus 120 hours SPEEA time




It is moved: The NW Council approves the following FY 2013 WAC new budget line item titled “NW Area Women’s Summer School” in the amount of $2,550 and 120 hours of SPEEA time.